Thursday, January 26, 2017

Blog response 2

Compare yourself to the main character in the novel.

I'm going to compare myself to August. She's had feelings for Ethan ever since they were little and wouldn't tell him. I grew up with a boy that I 'loved' and never told him! Once we got into high school, I still had feelings for him and we ended up dating. It didn't work out but it was a learning experience and it kind of connects to this book. August is also a very shy, calm, nice girl. I can be very shy and most of the time i'm pretty calm.

Blog response 1

What do you like and not like about your book?

I'm reading Just Friends by Billy Taylor, and I found it on twitter. One thing I really enjoy about my book is that it is something teens run into every day. Ethan and August grew up together as neighbors, and they have always been friends. As they get older, she begins to have feelings for him but won't tell him. Her mom thinks he has feelings for her too, but he hasn't mentioned it either. One thing I don't like about this book is that there's so many other characters it's kind of confusing. It goes back and forth between August and Ethan I sometimes gets lost. Also, some chapters are set up in an email and to me it's confusing.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, 9/27

Part 1:  Finish evaluating videos (10-15 minutes)

Part 2:  Whiteboard (10 min)   What evidence have you found that is most convincing about climate change and why?   Which videos had the most evidence--the skeptics or the believers?  When you don't have evidence, why would people believe someone?

These questions on the whiteboard are related to the first part of climate change thought--is there something going in our world that is not caused by total natural forces.  We are going to explore this for one more day by looking at the resources below.   Take notes as needed between now and 12:50.  Then you and your group will be writing a reflection so we can put it on our blog on Monday

This site is very rich, with hundreds of links to stories.  Your group should be able to write the title of one story from five of the tabs and a 2 sentence summary for each

Please go through all of this activity and write a 2 paragraph summary

From 12:50 to 1:15, you and your group will be writing over the following questions.   You can do this as a Google doc that you share with me and Christine.  You can talk among yourselves and have a group typist.  The point of this post is to think about where you are now.

1.  Which of the videos you saw on the first day of this unit (the six videos you picked from youtube) was most convincing to you when you first watched it?  Before you looked at evidence?  Perhaps you didn't' believe in climate change, perhaps you looked for some natural cause.  Whatever it is, its ok.

Claim:  I think that....
Reasoning:  because

2.  Once we started looking at evidence, what became different about your experience?  Was one piece of evidence enough, did you need multiple pieces of evidence, or do you still need more evidence before you make a decision on whether climate change is real?

Claim:  I believe that ...
Evidence:  Because the evidence tells me....
Reasoning:  So now I think....

3.  How did the interactive tools we used above help you think of new questions?

Claim:  I have questions about.....
Evidence:  Because of the evidence I found in....
Reasoning:  So now I wonder if....

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Evidence for Climate Change

How do we know?

Science is filled with skeptics

Make a list of the evidence from the websites above in your notebook.  Then use a three minute clip of your youtube position videos and look for specific evidence.  Identify what you find in terms of evidence below each video as a bulleted list.